Reducing Anxiety in Dental Patients Using Emotional Freedom Techniques

doi: 10.9769/EPJ.2011.3.2.GPT

By Graham P. Temple & Phil Mollon


Adult patients awaiting dental treatment were screened for self-reported anxiety using an 11-point Likert scale. Those in the higher half of the range (n = 30) received a 10-min intervention consisting of a 4-min Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) explanation and 6-min treatment.

All patients reported a decrease in subjective anxiety, with a mean pretreatment score of 8.03 and a posttreatment score of 3.03. Paired t tests revealed a statistically significant decrease (p < .001).

These results are consistent with other published reports of EFTs efficacy for anxiety. They suggest that even a very brief EFT intervention can reduce anxiety and that an additional controlled trial with both observer- and participant-rated measures should be undertaken.

Keywords: anxiety, dental treatment, EFT, Emotional Freedom Techniques

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