Perceptions, Reflections, and Guidelines for Using Energy Psychology: A Distillation of 800+ Surveys and Interviews with Practitioners and Clients

doi 10.9769/EPJ.2021.13.1.DF

David Feinstein, Ashland, Oregon, USA


Energy Psychology is a modality for facilitating personal development that is increasingly being used in clinical settings as well as on a self-help basis. Credible estimates suggest that the number of therapists who are incorporating at least some Energy Psychology methods into their practices has grown into the tens of thousands, encompassing a wide range of theoretical orientations. More than 800 psychotherapists, counselors, or life coaches who use Energy Psychology have participated in online surveys or systematic interviews in 15 separate studies focusing on various aspects of the practice. From these investigations, as well as from client reports, the current study identifies and explores the following themes: speed, breadth, safety, therapeutic alliance, enhanced intuitive access, and spiritual attunement. In addition, nine implications for clinical practice were derived and are discussed under the topics of Treatment Focus, Use of Language, Resonance, Time Orientation, Cautions, Resistance to Tapping, Countertransference, Self-Help Applications, and Integrating Energy Psychology with Other Techniques.

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