Energy Psychology Treatment for Orphan Heads of Households in Rwanda: An Observational Study

doi: 10.9769/EPJ.2010.2.2.BS

By Barbara Stone, Lori Leyden & Bert Fellows


A team of 4 energy therapy practitioners visited Rwanda in September of 2009 to conduct trauma remediation programs with 2 groups of orphan genocide survivors with complex posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms. Results from interventions with the first group were reported previously (Stone, Leyden, & Fellows, 2009).

This article reports results from the second group composed of orphan head of households. The authors used a multimodal intervention with 3 energy psychology methods (Tapas Acupressure Technique, Thought Field Therapy, and Emotional Freedom Techniques), with techniques selected on the basis of participant needs.

Interventions were performed on 2 consecutive workshop days and were followed by 2 days of practitioners making field visits with students. Data were collected using the Child Report of Posttraumatic Stress (CROPS) to measure pre- and postintervention results and a time-series, repeated measures design (28 orphans with clinical PTSD scores completed a pretest; 21 completed 1-week post-tests; 18 completed 3-month posttests; and 10 completed 6-month posttests).

The average overall reduction in PTSD symptoms was 37.3% (p < .009). These results are consistent with other published reports of the efficacy of energy psychology in remediating PTSD symptoms.

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