Submit a copy of your proposed paper via our support center by clicking here.
All submissions should conform fully to the requirements of thePublication Manual of the American Psychological Association, sixth edition. Include a cover letter (downloadable here).
You will receive an email if your submission is accepted for peer review. The deadline for Spring issue submissions is Feb 15 of each year, and Aug 15 for Fall issue.
Our mailing address is:
Energy Psychology Journal
PO Box 222
Petaluma, CA 94953-0222 USA
In return for publication of your article in the journal, you agree to conduct peer reviews of three other articles submitted to the journal in the future. In this way, we keep our peer reviewer pool fresh and expanding.
Original Research, Review articles, and accounts of Interfaces with Other Therapies are limited to 10,000 words. Guest Editorials and Clinical Reports are limited to 4,000 words.
Before submission, please read one or more previous issues of the journal to get a sense of the standards and priorities of the publication. Also read some excellent studies in other publications that cover the same conditions as yours, and use their best practices as a model.
If you are submitting an efficacy study or randomized controlled trial, please review the documents below and report as many of the preferred elements as possible, such as investigator credentials, length of treatment, fidelity assurances, and so on. Before submitting your study, please print and comply with the APA Manuscript Submission Checklist to make sure your submission is complete.
These requirements are intended to ensure that research in EP meets the same high standards as other disciplines, and the documents below to give you a quick and handy reference list that will enable you to prepare your paper to those standards.
This process also ensures that peer reviewers can focus on the essence of your paper, without having to request basic information that is missing.