doi: 10.9769/EPJ.2013.5.1.JO
James L. Oschman, Ph.D. & Maurie D. Pressman, M.D.
Sigmund Freud made a major advance in the study of the unconscious mind from his work with a patient who had “converted” an emotional experience into a paralyzed arm. Through hypnosis, his patient disclosed the emotional experience that led to the paralysis, and this resolved her condition. Later in his career, Freud recognized that such “conversion disorders” and other “provisional ideas in psychology” would someday be based on organic substructures. This article suggests that it is now possible to develop some theoretical and experimental bases for organic substructures involved in psychological phenomena. We propose a mechanism for con-version disorders based on the concept that there are two or more interconnected systems that can sense and respond to the environment and that can also convert repressed emotions into chronic muscle contraction or other somatic issues. One connection between sensation and action is the well-established neurophysiological mechanism and another involves semiconduction through the living matrix. This is a “hardware” system and functions in parallel to the nervous system and in concert with the “wetware” or biochemical systems described by Dennis Bray. It is proposed that one aspect of the unconscious, its capacity to absorb and process vast amounts of sensory information, involves rapid signal processing through a combination of ultra-fast biological processes that are present in all cells and tissues, including but not limited to neurons. Semiconduction, wetware, and quantum coherence are examples of such processes.
Keywords: semiconduction, wetware, quantum coherence, conversion disorder, neurophysiology
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